




1. Skincare brands - 护肤品牌


Skincare brands are cosmetic brands that focus on products for the face and body to improve the skin's health and appearance.

2. Makeup brands - 化妆品牌

Makeup brands specialize in products that enhance or alter the appearance of the face, eyes, and lips.

3. Haircare brands - 护发品牌

Haircare brands provide products for cleansing, conditioning, styling, and treating the hair.

4. Fragrance brands - 香水品牌

Fragrance brands produce perfumes and colognes for both men and women.

5. Nail brands - 美甲品牌

Nail brands offer products for nail care, including polishes, treatments, and tools.

6. Men's grooming brands - 男士美容品牌

Men's grooming brands provide products specifically designed for men's skincare, haircare, and grooming needs.



1. L'Oréal - 欧莱雅

L'Oréal is a French cosmetics company known for its skincare, haircare, and fragrance brands.

2. Estée Lauder - 雅诗兰黛

Estée Lauder is an American beauty company with a wide range of skincare, and fragrance brands.

3. Maybelline - 美宝莲

Maybelline is a popular makeup brand known for its mascaras, eyeliners, and foundations.

4. Olay - 玉兰油

Olay is a skincare brand that offers a variety of anti-aging and moisturizing products.

5. MAC Cosmetics - 魅可

MAC Cosmetics is a makeup brand famous for its wide range of colors and high-quality products.

6. Pantene - 潘婷

Pantene is a haircare brand that specializes in shampoos, conditioners, and styling products.


7. Chanel - 香奈儿

Chanel is a luxury fashion and beauty brand known for its fragrances, and skincare products.

8. Kiehl's - 契尔氏

Kiehl's is a skincare brand that focuses on natural ingredients and personalized skincare solutions.

9. Clinique - 倩碧

Clinique is a skincare and makeup brand known for its dermatologist-developed products.

10. NARS - 娜斯

NARS is a makeup brand famous for its bold colors and high-quality products.


1. Organic brands - 有机品牌

Organic brands use natural and organic ingredients in their products to promote healthier and more sustainable beauty practices.

2. Vegan brands - 纯素品牌


Vegan brands do not use any animal-derived ingredients or by-products in their products, making them cruelty-free and environmentally friendly.

3. Luxury brands - 奢侈品牌

Luxury brands offer high-end beauty products with premium packaging and ingredients.

4. Drugstore brands - 药妆品牌

Drugstore brands provide affordable beauty products that are widely available in pharmacies and supermarkets.

5. Indie brands - 独立品牌

Indie brands are small, independent beauty companies that offer unique and innovative products.
